Did you know Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole scooped more Blue Flags than any other UK destination in the 2023 Blue Flag awards?!

We love where we live, that’s why we are committed to making the Bournemouth Air Festival as environmentally friendly as possible.

You can help us keep our beautiful coastline and open spaces clean and tidy by leaving only footprints and taking your litter home with you.

You can also help us drive down our carbon footprint by travelling sustainably to the festival. In fact, if just 1-in-3 people changed how they travelled to the festival over the four days we could save a massive 2,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions every year for the next three years!

Guide to being a festival hero:

  • Travel by bike, bus or train. Read more about how to travel sustainably here.
  • Bring a refillable thermos cup or water bottle and get free drinking water at our water refill stations! Just download the Refill app to find where our hydration stations are located
  • Around 2,000 tonnes of waste is left on our beach each year. Help drive down that waste by ensuring you dispose of your rubbish responsibly where you can, and if a bin is full, please find another empty bin. Better still, take your rubbish home with you and recycle it as well! See more at Leave only Footprints.
  • Help prevent fires by bringing a picnic and not a bbq.

Keeping yourselves and others safe.

Stay up to date

Follow the team on social media for news and updates, as it happens – FacebookInstagram

Download the Air Festival app from the app stores for the latest flying times or buy the brochure for exclusive interviews with display teams!

Keep the planes flying!

It’s against the law to fly drones within the Air Festival Restricted Airspace established to protect participating aircraft and display teams.

Organisers are under strict rules to cancel the flying display programme if drones are flying in the dedicated approved air space; drone operators will be prosecuted.