• Greener Resorts – Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole are taking steps to becoming greener resorts and with an award-winning reputation and a world-class vision for the future, we want to be at the forefront of sustainable and eco-friendly tourism. Obviously, as an Air Festival we cannot avoid the use of aircraft, but it has been calculated that the total amount of fuel (around 110,000 litres) used by participating aircraft is equivalent to one one-way flight to Dubai.
  • Recycling – Although we cannot guarantee 100% recycling at the Air Festival due to the vast number of visitors attending and the contamination of waste, we heavily promote recycling with our traders and staff as well as providing visitors with clear and simple messaging, through the Seafront Recycling system, about how to dispose of rubbish and offering a recycling option at every location. The public can get discounts on reusable cups in the cafes and kiosks along the seafront and the Refill Dorset scheme is in operation across the site.
  • Leave only Footprints – Started by the Seafront team, this campaign covers the area within which the Air Festival falls and is more than just a name – it is a process of continuous improvement, encouraging residents, visitors and workers to be more environmentally conscious, particularly in relation to waste disposal. Along with the litter pickers and tractor teams the Seafront staff work really hard to keep the beaches clean over the Air Festival for the enjoyment of visitors and residents alike.
  • BCP Sustainable Events Policy – BCP Council recognises its duty to demonstrate leadership in the field of event sustainability management by conducting all its event related activities in line with this Sustainability Policy.
  • Bournemouth Air Festival Environmental Action Plan 2023 – 2025 – In 2021 an action plan was developed to mitigate the carbon footprint of the Air Festival as much as possible into achievable steps. The plan is a working document outlining the initial work and continuing development to ensure that the Air Festival is as environmentally friendly as possible.  As a working document, this action plan will continually be updated and reviewed throughout its lifetime.